
If you could do anything in the school holidays, what would you do?

I will go to the rocket in South Korea with my mum and dad. Then I will go and watch space movies and play games with my brother and go to see Saturn, Mars and Earth. Youngsung

I want to go to Rainbows End because I want to go on the rides with my daddy and mummy. I am going on all the rides. Nadia

I would go to Snowplanet with my dad and my brother beacuse I want to go on the snowboard and try to do a back flilp because I bet it's fun. Nathen

If I could do anything in the school holiday I would fly to Brisbane because it is always sunny and I want to see all the animals. I want to go with my mum and dad and Aimee. Brayden P

In the holidays I am going to do paper mache with my mum. I want to do a mask covered in red. Madi

If I could do anything I would go to Candyland with my mum because I have never ever been to Candyland. I hope I can have a keyring to bring back to school. Michelle

In the holidays I would go to space to see Saturn and Jupiter, the biggest planet. I want my dad to come. We would go in a rocket. Tumokai

If I could do something in the holiday I would go rockclimbing or Rainbow's End or Snowplanet with my mum and dad or I would go to the Northpole or I would go to space with a rocket. Nate

When the school holidays come I would like to go to Rarotonga to do some snorkelling and to see the wonderful fish there because Miss Y told us all about it. That's why I would go there and I would take my family with me to Rarotonga and it will be my first time I go there. Matthew

When the holidays come I would go to Australia with Mum and Tash and Dad and we will look at the animals and my favourite animal is the kangeroo. Hayley

"Dan The Flying Man"

We read 'Dan The Flying Man' in class and then acted out the story at assembly, earlier this term. In the story Dan flies over a house, bridge, flowers and seas etc. All the village people ran after him. We made our own Dan the Flying Man pictures using crayon, dye and photographs of ourselves.


Art in Room 6

Last week the children wrote me a letter to tell me what they have enjoyed doing in class. Art and cooking were hot favourites. Have a look at the awesome artwork they created after we read 'Bertha and the Beeman'. First they had to draw their picture in pencil. Then they had to go over the lines with a squeezy bottle containing black paint mixed with PVA glue. This was very tricky. Finally, they dyed the picture. Awesome results guys! Miss Y.


Poem Practise

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Letter Writing

This term we have been learning how to set out the parts of a letter. You may have been lucky enough to have received one already. Room 6 children have been doing a great job for their first attempts.

Here is what Michelle wrote today -


Room 6
Waiuku Primary
George St

Dear Juan

In two weeks I am going to do a poem called Day and Night. I have to do it in the class. I want you to help me. Can you help me practise it.

Love from


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