After viewing other class blog sites we discussed and agreed upon rules and guidelines for our class.
It is very important that we follow these rules as they are designed to keep us safe while we are online!
We will...
- only ever use our NICKNAME or FIRST name on the blog
- never put any of our PERSONAL DETAILS online - this includes phone numbers, addresses, personal email addresses or family information
-only have our name, work or photo on the blog if we have written PARENT PERMISSION
-only display nice PHOTOS of other people (check with them first - we don't want them to feel embarrassed)
-choose our words carefully when writing on our class blog. Be kind and sensible.
-put work of good QUALITY that we are proud of online
We also ask that...
parents and adults commenting only use their FIRST name or describe themselves as "Ben 10's Mum" (for example their online nickname) so they don't identify their child
All comments on our blog are "moderated" by Miss Y first. This means they are checked and approved by her before they are published on the blog for general viewing.
It is VERY important to keep safe online so ALL of Room 6 have agreed to these guidelines.