
If you could do anything in the school holidays, what would you do?

I will go to the rocket in South Korea with my mum and dad. Then I will go and watch space movies and play games with my brother and go to see Saturn, Mars and Earth. Youngsung

I want to go to Rainbows End because I want to go on the rides with my daddy and mummy. I am going on all the rides. Nadia

I would go to Snowplanet with my dad and my brother beacuse I want to go on the snowboard and try to do a back flilp because I bet it's fun. Nathen

If I could do anything in the school holiday I would fly to Brisbane because it is always sunny and I want to see all the animals. I want to go with my mum and dad and Aimee. Brayden P

In the holidays I am going to do paper mache with my mum. I want to do a mask covered in red. Madi

If I could do anything I would go to Candyland with my mum because I have never ever been to Candyland. I hope I can have a keyring to bring back to school. Michelle

In the holidays I would go to space to see Saturn and Jupiter, the biggest planet. I want my dad to come. We would go in a rocket. Tumokai

If I could do something in the holiday I would go rockclimbing or Rainbow's End or Snowplanet with my mum and dad or I would go to the Northpole or I would go to space with a rocket. Nate

When the school holidays come I would like to go to Rarotonga to do some snorkelling and to see the wonderful fish there because Miss Y told us all about it. That's why I would go there and I would take my family with me to Rarotonga and it will be my first time I go there. Matthew

When the holidays come I would go to Australia with Mum and Tash and Dad and we will look at the animals and my favourite animal is the kangeroo. Hayley


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