
Making our paper mache 'wild things'.

Last month room 6 did paper mache. We watched a slideshow on the internet. Then room six looked in a book called 'Where The Wild Things Are'. First room six rolled newspaper in a ball. Then we put the masking tape on. Next we did paper mache. We put the arms and legs on. It was fun making the paper mache. My eyes are going to be googly. I would like to make another one. Nate

Room 6 has been doing paper mache. First we looked at a book. Second we rolled some newspaper into a ball and then we put the arms and legs on. Then we put the tissue paper on. Next we got room 12 to help us. I had big bulgy eyes and I painted my body red. Nathen

ASB Money Lesson

Yesterday morning after room 6 went to the hall, a visitor was waiting in class. His name was Siale. He works at ASB bank. His work is in Waiuku. First we did a game that’s called $100. That one was my favourite. Then we did a song. He showed us how to save our money. I put mine in a piggy bank. I take money out sometimes. Next we did a dance. Nicole

On Wednesday before morning tea a visitor called Siale came to room 6. He came from the ASB bank and he was from Fiji. He came to tell us about money. First he told us to close our eyes. Then he changed into his superhero outfit. He had a sparkly mask and a cape that had money on it. Next we learnt a song like a rap with actions. Michelle

On Wednesday Siale came to room six's classroom. He told us how to save moneyh. Then he told us how to play a game called biggest to smallest and he was from the ASB bank. We did actions for a rap song. Jayden


Learning to Swim

This term we have been travelling to Patumahoe School to have swimming lessons once a week with Daniel Fulton's Swim School. The children have made amazing progress!

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Copyright 2009 Room 6