
Junior Athletics Day

What an absolutley fabulous group of athletes we have in Room 6. I am so VERY proud of you all because you all tried hard and supported each other. We had so many winners and place getters, I think I nearly lost my voice cheering for you all. Photos will be coming soon. In the meantime have alook at the fabulous recounts that have been written about the big day. Miss Y.

On Monday afternoon we had a little bit of athletics and on Tuesday we finished off the junior athletics running races. After that we did the finals for the 400 m running race and I came second!! Then we went to the activities. The 6 year old boys went to the hurdles, trampoline, the fat mat and the tunnel. Once we finished we went to the scooters and Young pulled me. Then we went to the coit throwing. I came second. The next thing we did was the long jump and I came second. Once Miss Boyd marked it we went to the moonhopper race and I came last. At the end of the day I was very tired. Matthew

On Tuesday we did junior athletics. I liked the hula hoops because you got to do anything. It was a sunny day. Willem

On Monday and Tuesday the juniors did athletics on the field. On Tuesday we had the finals. After morning tea we got split into teams. First we did the hula hoops. Then we went on the fat mat. Next we did the scooters inside the hall. After that we did the coit throw with Miss Y. Finaly we did the long jump. After that we did moon hoppers. My favourite thing was to do the long jump. I felt so excited because I came first in the long jump. Michelle.

Athletics Day Superstars on PhotoPeach


Mrs S said...

Your plants that you are growing in your class are looking really good. Matthew keeps telling me about the plnts that you have got growing in Janet's garden. Are the Mum's and Dad's goin to be able to come and have a look at them?
I hope you are all looking forward to camp. I know that I am.

Copyright 2009 Room 6